ReHUD is a custom, configurable, easy-to-use and easy-to-extend HUD for RaceRoom Racing Experience. I started this project following the bugs in RaceRoom's WebHud framework, resulting in the deprecation of many HUDs, including OtterHud - which is the HUD I was using up until now. To get started, download and run the installer from here, and you should be good to go. Feel free to contact me with any requests/questions, and if you find any bugs or weird stuff, make sure you attach the log file (which can be found by clicking the "Show Log File" button in the settings window). More information is available in the GitHub repo, along with the source code. How to get ReHUD to show in Oculus Quest 3
@NL-Jos You start it up as a standalone, and then import it into VR using the CrewChief VR Overlay. I'm not running on VR myself, so can't 100% confirm that's the way to go, but this is afaik the way one of the users is using it in VR. Note that you will have to set some opacity threshold or something like that, and that user also said he dropped his game resolution upscale to get rid of some performance issues (not caused by the HUD, but rather by the VR projection itself).
Can you say wich person this is? Maybe he wil help me step by step to install your program, because i'm an pc noob. I use the otterhud now but it work not for 100% anymore
If you hop on the discord, you'll find him with @UsF (preferably in the #apps channel). Edit: seems like this tag also worked here, but discord will probably be better
I got help from UsF (Tobias) but can't get it working on VR Ofcourse it's my fault, because i'm such an pc NOOB I will follow this thread, and hope that you get it worked like otterhud did with an menu in the hud for changing things. Keep up the good work
@NL-Jos I'll try to create a VR guide in 2 weeks or so, hopefully you'll be able to set it up properly then
Thanks @Maskerader, yeah, that's how you should do it. I'll try putting together a more complete guide as soon as I can.
This is great work! A nice replacement for Otterhud. I race on triples (borderless window) with a fourth monitor on top (for timings etc.): Could you add the functionality to allow the user to place HUD elements on a fourth monitor (Display 1, in my case) please?
Interesting idea. Should be possible, will add to my todo list. Might take some while though as it's a bit complex.
Great classic RR HUD! Sugestions with all respect from someone who does not code shit. Number 1 - Priority= -1000000 Add profiles: I can play with 3 monitor setup (Nvidia surround/AMD EyeFinity) or single monitor or VR(unlikely with it's shitty performance). Each one will need a different layout. As you may see in my desktop I'm using DisplayMagician to launch and manage games that require NVidiaSurround or EyeFinity for triple screens. DisplayMagician can start the desired display mode, launch some apps with arguments before game, launch game with arguments etc. I've added ReHUD to start before game. If I could add a command like -loadprofile settingsXX.json I could start ReHUD with the right layout for each display layout. Number 2 Priority= -456868465135456645 Add option if possible to change install folder. I like to install things where I want... old habit from DOS times and having diferent drives for different things... more or less. Bug?: I'm running triple monitor with EyeFinity profile. Position Bar was centered in upper part of screen, filling whole screen side to side. Click on Layout and Edit If I click on PostionBar it repositions inmediately like in screenshot. I can move it back to the left but if I keep clicking on it, it will vanish to de right.
1. Planned feature already, will arrive at some point. (Though I did not think about the start params, so good point there ) 2. Good idea, added to my TODO list. 3. Known issue, already fixed in an unreleased version. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!
With this settings I have nothing in VR (reverb G2), by checking the box "show in VR" i have the hud but on a black rectangle. Are you sure about those settings?
@Pierluigi Vinci Yeah, "Show in VR" needs to be enabled indeed. Can you send a picture of the black rectangle you have? Maybe try increasing the transparent background tolerance.
I can't because it shows only in the headset. Tried to increasing transparency but this affects the hud too