I figured this might be a good topic to start and a good way for us to find some new games to try out. Besides R3E, what else are ya playing at the moment? For me since I just got a new PC, I bought Shadows of Mordor and Arkham Knight. I'm still playing GTR2, Race 07, AC, and PC pretty regularly too. I'm also in year 2030 of a FM franchise.
Howdo, this week I have mostly been playing The Forest, Metal Gear 5 and a bit of Eurotruck Simulator 2 for a nice relaxing drive around Europe
Always Race 07, sometimes more sometimes less. And because of the two weeks of Err 102, 503, 2014... in R3E, I started to like AC and GSCE a lot, so now they take a good share of time. I keep trying DiRT Rally but I'm so bad... (I even gave another try to pCARS but it didn't make it, I still hate it). Now I'm waiting for rF2 to come to Steam. I don't play any other kind of games
AGE OF WONDERS 3 FTW!! Best super-slow paced rts ever: you do stuff on your turn and once done you can ALT+TAB and do something else: YouTube, read a book, fix yourself an affogato, organize your underpants by season and so forth... Otherwise I play hacking-themed games (Invisible, Uplink, Hacker Evolution), some survival like Don't Starve (and looking at The Long Dark) and lately Bastion... Oh and Elite Dangerous but i'm holding till Horizon is released
AOW 3 Shawdowrun returns Life is Strange Just finished Pillars of Eternity and Mass Effect 2. play some other odds and ends...
A fair bit of FIFA 16 - it's a very good football game this year (even though I'm normally a PES guy). A lot of Cities XXL - I love city-builders. I find them relaxing and enjoy being creative.
I've been looking for a good review of FIFA16, and I think that's just the push I need. Thank you James.
DiRT Rally is joint top with R3E at the moment, I'm also trying out ARMA 3 at the moment; didn't expect it to work so well on my computer. I also dabble in Football Manager, but haven't touched it for about a year, same with Rome II Total War. Apart from the odd other racing game (GTR2, PCARS, AC) I don't think I have anything else installed. I have been looking for Rugby Challenge 2 for about a month but no joy, will have to wait for the new one at the end of the year (although looking at Raceroom's content list I might struggle with that one).
I'm really into League of Legends at the moment beside of R3E and Assetto Corsa. Yeah, and that's it.
starbound is the other game I'm playing atm i have made a few mods for it. id be modding ac if they improved the ui and game me an option to disable shadows, so i have spent a lot of time modding for race 07 in the past (mostly custom skins but also a track which i never finished).
R3E, DiRT Rally, Metro: Last Light (nearly finished), Assassins Creed: Unity, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Game of Thrones Telltale
Going through one last replay of Fallout 3 before 4 comes out. Not much else, I still regularly play GTR2 offline and DiRT rally whenever the AI pisses me off.
R3e is #1, When i want to blow shit up i play Battlefield 4 a lot. Don't starve together for some friendly coop gaming on Teamspeak is a lot of fun. When i have some time i play on the ps4 a bit. Got The order 1886 and BloodBorne on the back log.
Currently installed and being longtime residents on my HD, some since years: R3E obviously, then AC, Dirt, ETS-2, OMSI-1, Steel beasts Pro 3.0, Combat Mission: Shock Force, Arma 3, Skyrim, The Hunter, Tennis Ellbow 2013, Virtual Pool 4, Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm, Falcon, FSX, multiple chess stuff. Fallout 4 planned to become the next big gaming thing consuming my time, most likely.
and when you live your life real??? I play R3E, Race 07, GTR2, Project cars, Assetto Corsa and sometimes Anno 1404.
^ Its not that every title gets played 15 minutes every day. More like going back to most of them every couple of days or weeks, and using them for some days, and then forgetting them for some weeks again. What else to do with a 1 TB harddrive than having stuff installed for those "just in case" opportunities? Falcon I haven't touched for two years, for example. Its a sentimental thing. I sleep better by just knowing that it is there.