There is a newer thread, that one worked for me, search for: R3E Reality - Multiplayer Broadcast Overlay Its pinned inside Community Workshop sub forum.
I also found that one eventually... but why even have this post still up if it sends people on a wild goose chase?? I just want to keep anyone else from having to chase their tail.....
Hi Sector3 This thread is out of date and should be replaced with the newer version. This thread points people at the Spectator mode that does not work.. .On page seven, there is a link to a replacement thread that has a running version of the Spectator.. the verision on p[age one of this thread does not work. In order to prevent someone else from spending 4 hours trying to get somehting to work that is broken... thanks...
Another trapped with the wrong software... This thread needs to go away.. Use the program and instructions in this thread...
This long dead and useless thread has been directing folks down a dead end for a while now... it points to a verision of the software that doesn;t work. Not sure why this thread still exists... Use the program and instructions in this thread...
Hello all, I have performance problem with my PC when I play the spectator mode. The GPU grafic is at 100% during the race. My question is: Is possible change the grafics (resolutionm etc) on spectator mode to have better performance on the PC? I tried change it on game but this changes doesn't apply on the spectator mode. Thanks a lot.
Hello everyone, I have a question. Can someone help me how to personalize the overlay in the spectator, i.e. change the size or insert a logo. Thank you in advance