The packs that are called "Experiences" are the ones that contain pre-made seasons while the WTCC 2015 Car Pack is just that, a car pack. There's a Custom Championship game mode where you could create your own series of races.
Nope, you have to use standard R3E rules for your championship. There are several options, but you can't have a 2 race format for instance.
Though Sector 3 have hinted that they intend to implement being able to set such things and other championship-specific rules and regulations in the main game in the future. I certainly hope so, I'm not buying ADAC GT Masters 2015 until this is done, otherwise will be a step backwards from the ADAC 2014 Experience package.
On steam it's not called car pack, it's called WTCC 2015 season. I guess that because the tracks are also included. Which experience is the best to get? Is DTM 2015 just a team upgrade from 2014?
I've been trying to find a game that's championship mode comes close to TOCA 2. It seems that the experience modes in race room are the closest I will find. It would be great if they had a BTCC 199x experience.
I don't think the C-Elysee is the worst car performance wise.Its just more difficult to drive so without an absolutely nailed set up,it makes it feel worse compared to the other cars.Try the Chevy.Its the easiest car,handling wise.
I know first hand that the Citroen is better than the rest of the field in reality.In game BOP(Balance of Perfomance) makes all cars pretty much equal.C-Elysee's BOP makes the car trickier to drive so as to equalise the field.
ok, but the concern is that on R3E the Citroen is less efficient than the other while Honda Chevrolet and Lada are equivalent ! it's a shame to have finally penalized the Citroen pretext that it is too fast in irl