Hi, i purchased 4 cars, when I validated it everything went fine with steam and I successfully payed the items, but once I got back to RaceRoom instead of the green message "successful purchase" I got a red "purchase canceled" and didn't get the items i've payed.
Image of the basket : https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53043768544_70cab4de13_k.jpg Mail received from steam after payment : https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53043983125_993899c4f2_c.jpg
Just checked unfortunatelly it isn't, the basket has been erased but the 4 cars aren't in my purchased items.
ON Ontem comprei o PREMIUM PACK pelo jogo, pagando pela minha conta associada da STEAM. Hoje fui jogar e meu pack comprado não estava disponível. Verifiquei que o valor pago foi estornado para minha conta STEAM. Fui tentar recomprar e o valor hoje está muito maior. Por que isso aconteceu????? E Como resolver??? Meu dinheiro ainda está na conta STEAM, caso não seja possível, desisto do jogo.
I need help with my content. I purchased a couple of things a few weeks ago and now it's kind of all gone... I only have a few things from my first items that I bought. Also it says that I have raced only in 3 MP races, but I know I have done more. I've been playing this game a bit more often lately so I know up until now everything was working just fine. My profile link would be /cyberpunk_42 Thanks in advance for any help or problem solving!
Up. Problem still not solved a month later. Have I to adress a official complaint to Steam about the obvious payments problems with this game ?
Sorry, it's difficult to address people when there are multiple topics/posts on multiple platforms Please submit the form bucketman linked to
Thank you for resubmitting the form @wgBalrog, sorry to hear you're still missing the content. did by any chance the vRP came back as balance instead?