Released February 2020 Update

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by J-F Chardon, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. J-F Chardon

    J-F Chardon KW Studios Developer

    Jan 15, 2015
    +5,042 / 0 / -0
    This update is mostly about maintenance and fixing issues reported since the December 2019 update. You will find all the changes below.

    Update details:
    Download size = 1.9 GB
    Client version =
    Client BuildID = 4639903
    Dedicated server version = 57.0.1077
    Dedicated server BuildID = 4640022

    • Dedicated server now offers the possibility to set an incident point limit. Any player going above that defined amount will get instantly disqualified.
    • Dedicated server manager page now shows the points accumulated by each player in real time, rather than the amount of incident events involving that player.
    • Reputation - Improved detection of Non Starter participants on long tracks such as the Nordschleife.
    • Reputation - Car to car collisions are now worth 4 points. Losing Control of the vehicle is now worth 2 points.
    • Flat Spots - Reduced further tyre wear on flat spots, which makes them vanish quicker with tyre wear.
    • Flat Spots - Fixed some bad framerate when locking a tyre on a flat spot while in gravel or grass.
    • Suspension damage - Fixed some cases where a car with suspension damage could sometimes be seen shot into the air.
    • Car Setup - Fixed Setup rules are now properly affecting the car setup menu.
    • Car Setup - Changed so 4WD cars differential changes affect the rear differential instead of the front.
    • Fixed shift sounds playing twice in replays.
    • Fixed an issue where HUD elements would show in replays if the client was started with -broadcastUrl=http://**
    • Fixed some sorting / timing issues in client's position bar
    • Fixed a case where entering the pitlane could sometimes result in the lap being invalidated
    • Fixed rolling start qualifying where the car, under AI control, would try and dodge other players around the spawn location, even though they're invisible.
    • Fixed wrong values fed to Spectator overlays for live gaps between cars.
    • Fixed smoke not rendering from Aerial TV cameras.
    • Fixed an old Helpdesk URL that the client was attempting to load after throwing an error. It's now changed to point to the Sector3 Studios forums.

    Content updates:
    • Bosh DDU4 - (data display seen in cars such as the Tatuus F4) - Fixed the Oil and Water temperatures that were swapped.
    • Aquila - Physics updates
    • Audi RS TT VLN - Physics updates
    • All Manual Gearbox cars - Reduced dogbox RPM to encourage more lifting when changing gears.
    • BMW M1 - Updated cockpit art
    • DTM (all years) - Reduced default FFB multipliers
    • Formula RaceRoom 90 - Tweaks to AI behaviour
    • Group 4 and Procar classes - Increased tyre heating and reduced default tyre pressures accordingly
    • GTR3 Car Class - Tweaks to AI behaviour
    • GTR3 Class BOP - Improved BOP of the older generation of GT3's. Porsche 911 GT3 R (2019) +20 Kg ; Mercedes AMG GT3 +15 Kg
    • GTR4 Class BOP - Adjustments
    • Hyundai I30 TCR - Reduced rear ride height and its adjustment range
    • Lotus Evora GT4 - Tweaks to pit limiter timings as well as engine orientation
    • Nissan GTR R32 - New sounds, updates to cockpit art.
    • Porsche Cayman (all types) - Adjustments to car physics
    • Porsche 911 GT3 Cup - The current model has now been modified to Endurance specs. The car now has Traction Control as well as more car setup adjustments allowed. The Cup specs will now be only available in upcoming Porsche Carrera Cup classes.
    • RUF CTR3 + RT12R GT2 and GT3 - Fixed a bad collision box
    • Silhouette Class - Physics updates
    • WTCC 2015/2016 - Fixed Chevrolet Cruze not having adjustable Tyre Pressure
    • Mount Panorama (Bathurst) - Tweaks to pitlane ambient sounds
    • Ningbo - Flipped the starting grid so the pole position starts on the right side, on the trajectory.
    • Nuerburgring GP Fast Chicane - Fixed rolling starts that could sometimes be bad for AI.
    • Portimao (all layouts) - Moved the spawn location used in Time Attack and rolling start qualifying.
    • Silverstone - Fixed AI running wide in turn 1 after a rolling start on GP and International layouts.
    • Zhuhai - Improved performance
    • Zolder - AI control in pitlane should no longer result in hitting a guardrail


    In this update, we had to heavily modify the looks of some fantasy liveries that had Red Bull sponsoring since their original release. The Red Bull brand guidelines now enforce the brand to only be used as replica's of existing cars and liveries, never on fantasy cars. As some of the liveries were sold, we will be looking into refunding the 29 vRP's to your in-game wallets in the coming days.

    The liveries affected are:
    - Formula Raceroom 2 #1
    - Formula Raceroom 2 #2
    - Formula Raceroom 3 #2
    - Formula RaceRoom Junior #18
    - Pagani Zonda R #73
    - Porsche 911 GT3 Cup #11
    - RaceRoom Canhard R51 #15
    • Like Like x 8
    • Love it! Love it! x 2
  2. keanos

    keanos Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2015
    +140 / 0 / -0
  3. J-F Chardon

    J-F Chardon KW Studios Developer

    Jan 15, 2015
    +5,042 / 0 / -0
    • Like Like x 1
    • Love it! Love it! x 1
  4. Roman TRT

    Roman TRT Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2015
    +77 / 0 / -0
    Regarding the "Inc", a dubious topic. The game does not determine the culprit of the accident and gives points to both pilots.
    Yesterday I drove the race without violations, but other rivals flew into me. As a result, I have for 20 minutes of the race, there were 24 Inc - this is not normal).
    For what reason did you decide to make 4 points for both pilots?
    Indeed, in the results logs, the game captures different points for the contacts of cars. Intruder gets more points.
  5. RIZZI

    RIZZI Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    +15 / 0 / -0
    Si j'ai bien compris votre remarque, je suis français !
    Nous avons le même problème d'iracing, nous sommes touchés et nous sommes pénalisés de la même manière que celui qui vous a frappé!
    Moi ce qui me dérange je le dis et le répète, sur une même course, vous avez des débutants qui ferment quand même les portes, ils reviennent quand même sur la piste après une sortie, ils freinent trop tard et vous frappent comme si rien ne partait comme si rien n'avait été excusé, rien!
    J'insiste, si le principe des points est mis en œuvre, il faut des courses avec des pilotes de niveau serré.
  6. RIZZI

    RIZZI Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    +15 / 0 / -0
    If I understood your remark correctly, I am French
    We have the same problem in iracing, We are hit and we are penalized in the same way as the one who hit you!
    Me what bothers me I say and say it again, on a same race, you have beginners who close the doors anyhow, they come back to the track after an outing anyhow, they brake too late and hits you as if nothing had left as if nothing had been excused, nothing!
    I insist, if the principle of points is implemented, you need races with drivers with a close level.
  7. Thomas Jansen

    Thomas Jansen KW Studios Developer

    Apr 5, 2018
    +575 / 0 / -0
    Unfortunately this is just the only way to properly implement an incident system like this. There is just no way to automatically assign blame in a collision properly, that will only lead to more exploits. It can seem unfair to get the same amount of incident points for getting hit, but in the end that is the same for everyone. On average it will still weed out the real crashers, as they might hit 5 different drivers, giving each of them 4 points, but the crasher would end up with 20 points.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  8. Roman TRT

    Roman TRT Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2015
    +77 / 0 / -0
    I understand that you can’t do without a limit system.
    I ask why they did not leave such an option for points that are in the logs:
    • Car to car collision, Points: 1
    • Car to car collision, Points: 4
    with this option, I as a non-offender will be given 1 point instead of 4 as an intruder
  9. Vale

    Vale Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2019
    +285 / 0 / -0
    I think it won´t matter so much but there has to be a measure of points accumulated divided by races participated in as you could get caught up in a battle or be rammed in one race and drive 3 or 4 clean ones afterwards, which should cancel out the first "offences"
    It´s the same with real driving licence penalty points, you have the opportunity to recover lost points after some time.

    Perhaps after 3 car to car crashes in one session there should be a multiplier so points would be doubled for crash 4, tripled for crash 5 etc etc and automatic server kick after the 6th with a 1 hour time out.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  10. ducman888

    ducman888 Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2018
    +172 / 0 / -0
    Please help me as where to review these logs.
  11. BarneyZ_BLN

    BarneyZ_BLN New Member

    Apr 10, 2018
    +0 / 0 / -0
    "Porsche 911 GT3 Cup - The current model has now been modified to Endurance specs. The car now has Traction Control ..."

    WHY? :( No TC / ABS ... that's what makes the Cup so special! I can't understand this decision!
  12. RoccoTTS

    RoccoTTS Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2017
    +534 / 0 / -0
    Because in the future we get real cup classes, so we will have both Cup and Endurance version.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Thomas Jansen

    Thomas Jansen KW Studios Developer

    Apr 5, 2018
    +575 / 0 / -0
    Because there is no way to detect who caused the incident in a lot of situations in an automated way unfortunately. The point system in the logs is wrong quite often in this regard too, so it was decided not to use it.
  14. Beastux

    Beastux Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2015
    +296 / 0 / -0
    I just tried the Silhouette Series (Canhard R52) at Zhuhai as it was the place where the last Silhouette competition took place.

    The car has a different behaviour but, most of all, except if it comes from me, it is way slower than the previous generation. During the competition, my best lap was 1.36:446 and this evening, I can't go faster than 1.38:823, nearly 2.5s slower.

    So, I will ask the same question to Sector3 as I did since the december update for the Touring Classics class: why don't you reset the leaderboards when you update the physics? All the previously recorded laptimes will stay unreachable forever (just have a look here or here) and the Silhouette Series will become another uninteresting class in the leaderboards.

    I still have to test the new Aquila but I'm afraid of discovering the same result and only using the Touring Classics, Silhouette Series and Aquila Cup in competitions, no more in the leaderboards!
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2020
  15. Jukka Karppinen

    Jukka Karppinen Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    +137 / 0 / -0
    Nice update, but i'm not sure if i get this one:
    BMW M1 - Updated cockpit art

    Because all i noticed after short test (with VR) is both M1 have now black dashboard background instead orange (wich was correct/ same as real ones have). Any further explanation why this was changed? Also I was hoping some differences between Gr4 and Procar versions.
    Anyone else noticed other differences? I may have missed something as i run quite low settings with VR anyway.
  16. Andi Goodwin

    Andi Goodwin Moderator Beta tester

    Jan 16, 2015
    +793 / 0 / -0

    in the midle of re testing this , if they are slower the leader boards will get cleared , unless they have the same bug as the touring classics , if so we will have to wait for the code change that is in progress

  17. nickh158

    nickh158 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    +69 / 0 / -0
    There`s no ABS now. That would add a couple of seconds a lap, at least it did for me.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Beastux

    Beastux Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2015
    +296 / 0 / -0
    Andi, I can confirm, as for the Touring Classics, that they are slower (or is it me? :(). Even at 80%, the brakes lock quite easily so the braking distances are different and I feel that also acceleration (or motricity) differs a little bit, even if it's not as important as for braking.

    Just hope the code change will be there soon!
  19. Beastux

    Beastux Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2015
    +296 / 0 / -0
    Yes, I agree with you, so it should imply a leaderboard reset.
  20. Andi Goodwin

    Andi Goodwin Moderator Beta tester

    Jan 16, 2015
    +793 / 0 / -0
    its being evaluated;;; promise

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