So how many bought packs this weekend, and how many (got to be 98%) went the single content route? I for one am not going to swap my to on the back of this bizarre PR. Anyone who did their homework this weekend and expected a full 50% sale likely didn't invest in this game the way they wanted -- with packs. Why would they? It wasn't a sale. They either bought nothing, or bought single content. For me the decision not to was for being displeased with their marketing and the general pricing of their sim without a sale like this. Let's face facts here, nothing has changed because of this gesture. They put fake sale prices on the packs 24/7 and then announced a 50% sale, but because the packs are always on sale, they were not discounted at all from their week to week standard price. This stuff still happened, and it happened because their marketing strategy isn't transparent, it's purposefully designed this way in my eyes. Has this changed? At this stage, no. Due to the above, which well informed person this weekend went ahead and bought packs anyway, because I have 1 litre of some lightly scented organic water I'd like to sell the three guys who did it anyway. No, wait... wait.... wait... wait, aaaaaah, I really needed that. Now 2 litres of lightly scented water! So while it's nice that some lucky guys went and bought packs at full price this weekend even when s3s said their was a 50% sale on everything-- thus getting rewarded for their stupidity--everyone else who was likely the vocal ones complaining about all this are surely still sitting here with a bitter taste, or should. Your marketing department is not transparent, it wasn't before the weekend, it isn't now. I'd have been far more impressed with an apology than now knowing i bought some content the smart way for this "sale" and bought single content, while some quite silly people still went ahead and bought packs and now will get it for free? lol, you really can't make this stuff up. And by the way, i only spent £10 this weekend on single content so this post is not coming from me being left out, i don't care about £10 from my stem wallet, i think what i bought was pretty reasonable value for a tenner actually. Its that it doesn't resolve the problems people were complaining about by those smart enough to complain, and somehow in the process, has rewarded those who were silly enough to go and buy packs this weekend anyway at full price during a supposed 50% sale. It annoys me that once again in this world, the truly stupid have been rewarded. Well done, I think only s3s marketing could have devised this one Wake me up when you do a real 50% sale on some of the highly sought after packs, only then will this weekends blunder go from to for me.
I Second that! But I can never wait for a sale, if I can buy it the same day it's available I will and will continue to do so. AWESOME response and feedback S3S. Keep it up!
I must admit, I am very surprised a full refund is being issued AND buyers get to keep the packs they purchased. I expected either a partial refund to make up the difference (i.e. 50% of the pack price refunded) or a full refund and the pack withdrawn from the buyer. The latter would perhaps leave a bitter taste with some, I suppose. The former would have been my choice as this way Sector3 honours the "50% off everything" promotion. They have gone above and beyond, that's for sure.
As per usuaI James, you're spot on. It's a bit of a slap in the face to those of us who've purchased almost everything that some get free content and others don't. I held off getting the last pack I don't own because it wasn't discounted for the sale. I'm fine with refunds, but to give people the content that I paid 900 vrp for doesn't sit right with me. After reading this, my enthusiasm has waned quite a lot for the title and I'll be much more selective over what I purchase from now on.
As said earlier "Let's face facts" Let us do that! Fact is if you as me have income enough not to bother, you would buy all the content you want regardless it is a sale or not, right..!? But when you don't have a fat wallet you easily end up whining about prices and discounts that dont suit your wallet. Well is this not how the world works things cost money, if you want it, can afford it, you buy it! If you can't, you pick the path of being moody and feel left out. How is that anyone's responsibility but your own, there's always a way to get what you want (within reason) you just need to figure out how. And that blame can never be a products fault or person/s behind it... right!? Sorry! I Just had to speak my mind, cause there is alot of whining about things S3S actually can't do shit about. They are doing a fantastic job and shore they do mistakes ( they are human not machines) we all do mistakes, the greatness in human is when you stand up and admit yours. That is brave and honorable and they do that every time and they listen to their customers as more than most other companies do. I take of my hat for S3S and bow, you make me proud to be apart of this game. Keep up the good work!
Well spoken Mich Angel! No matter what they do they will always get negative responses from some people.. I think it was a grand gesture S3 did with this!
I will be a little more selective too. Early adopters always pay the highest price. I'm fine with that concept and don't regret buying any content. It's of a very high standard and I get my money's worth in hours played. However...... How about a few rewards/incentives for those of us that have spent a considerable amount of money on this sim? Those of us that buy everything day one? Those of us that raise awareness on other forums and fight fires in support of R3E? I appreciate the free weekend and the subsequent sale. A great move and I hope it pays off. But when the next pack comes out how about knocking a little off the price for those of us already highly invested in R3E? A loyalty discount if you will.
If the next pack is the Touring Classics and you already own the DTM 92s I guess there'll be a discount. For all its faults I think this was always the way the VRP system was intended to work. S3 have, IMO, done a very honourable thing here - more than they needed to do. I fully understand some people being a little disappointed that they haven't been able to benefit from the issue but I can't see what S3 can do here to please everyone while still making enough to keep working on the sim. I really hope this free weekend, the sale, and the subsequent offer from S3 really helps grow the user base, cos that's what we all want. Lots of players = healthy sim = lots of cool new stuff and features. I think the VRP system is probably going to be around for a while and it might not be down to S3 at all whether it gets replaced - there's a publisher to think of too
I don't mind the vrp's, but I think it would help new players if the bundle purchase was reestablished in the store page. They are really good deals, and needs to be shown!! And also as James Cook was mentioning, some kind of loyalty bonus for trusted fans would probably not be a bad idea. Giving some % discount for every owed content. (up to a maximum discount after x amount of content of course)
There will always be someone complaining no matter how they handled it, I give them credit for trying to rectify something I personally didn't think was an issue. It was easy for me to understand what was discounted and what wasn't, did the "Everything 50% Off" bother me... no.
All the negativity and complaining is annoying. Sector3 made a nice gesture (after the FREE weekend) by giving us heavily discounted content. They didn't have to but they did cause they're a friendly bunch. Still some people feel so entitled. It was just a small misunderstanding and no one forced you to buy any packs. Cut them some slack.
Now I wish I had gone ahead and bought the packs, despite there not being on sale! In all sincerity, I think this is a nice good-will gesture, and I don't begrudge those that got a free pack out of the situation. I do think the issues regarding this sale are indicative of broader concerns with the pricing and marketing more generally -- without that broader context I think reactions would have been much more mild -- but I personally am encouraged by Sector 3's response here.
This forum and the developers from this give me faith all is not lost in this world Even too good for this world! As is the community..
Nice good-will gesture! I appreciate that ... but ... what about those who could not effort the packs they wanted and that were now left behind for the second time? Your nice good-will gesture would have taken the full effect if you have announced that the popular content packs would now receive a "double discount" for 24 hours ... I think this could "compensate" your losses and satisfies the others ... a real win-win-situation. Greetings from Austria ...
Yeah, they can't please everyone. What about those who can't afford packs on the second discount then? You should have bought individual cars and packs. They were crazy cheap and would've made packs cheaper in the future.
What are you saying ?? That it is S3S resposibility to arange prices on there products so it can benefit people with less money,.?? I QUOTE my self!!!............ As said earlier "Let's face facts" Let us do that! Fact is if you as me have income enough not to bother, you would buy all the content you want regardless it is a sale or not, right..!? But when you don't have a fat wallet you easily end up whining about prices and discounts that dont suit your wallet. Well is this not how the world works things cost money, if you want it, can afford it, you buy it! If you can't, you pick the path of being moody and feel left out. How is that anyone's responsibility but your own, there's always a way to get what you want (within reason) you just need to figure out how. And that blame can never be a products fault or person/s behind it... right!? Sorry! I Just had to speak my mind, cause there is alot of whining about things S3S actually can't do shit about. They are doing a fantastic job and shore they do mistakes ( they are human not machines) we all do mistakes, the greatness in human is when you stand up and admit yours. That is brave and honorable and they do that every time and they listen to their customers as more than most other companies do. I take of my hat for S3S and bow, you make me proud to be apart of this game. Keep up the good work!