Plus a free bachelor party with Duffman, a full year season ticket for free sixpacks, VIP-tickets for Super Bowl/ Soccer World Championship and , not to forget, a free ride on a real Formula 1/DTM/WTCC 14/GTM car of your choice incl. Candlelight Dinner with Kimi Raikonnen ....
I think you misunderstood my post. I agree with you and should have worded it differently. Guy wanted a new discount cause he felt left out but then some other people would feel left out in the next one and so on. Sector3 can't please everyone and handled this perfectly!
Everyone but Kimi Off-topic: pleeeeassssseee Ferrari trade Kimi for another driver at the end of this year! Pleeeeaaassse!
I spent over around 2,500 vpr between the 'free to play' and the sale starting, including the WTCC 14 pack. I thought a sale might be coming, but decided that Easter was not long enough ago for another across the board sale to happen. That I bought, just before the sale starts, means I am not now facing the difficult moral dilemma of asking for money back when I meet the criteria, but had not misunderstood the sale system.
Well you can look at it like this. The more people choose not to get a refund the more content we might get later on.
As one of the people who were slightly frustrated (to say the least) by the incorrect announcement of "everything" going on sale, I have to admit that this is more than just a very fair reply from S3. Thank you!
A more than fair response from S3S. But anyone with half a brain can read the price of something. Really makes me despair sometimes that people look straight past every indicator and then complain afterwards, in many given situations. Well done S3S for being so generous.
Couldnt agree more.. I feel the problem is "decent norms and values" are not easy to find nowadays and faaaaaar too little educated.. But as said before In this topic i think, this forum and the most people on it are great guys and girls! Who know to prioritize, cooperate, inform and inspire instead of acting like a... Well yea you can fill in the dots yourself