Tire temperatures - setup helper

Discussion in 'Car Information and physics updates' started by MarcoP, Aug 12, 2021.

  1. MarcoP

    MarcoP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2021
    +31 / 0 / -0
    ***** update 19.05.2024 since the new tire model v5 the tool is useless, at least for GT3. Feel free to try for other cars. ******

    This is a tool created for all the sim racers that are simply not able to get the tire temperatures right or are too lazy to calculate pressure and camber for themselves (including me...).

    All you have to do is extract the .zip file attached and start the Rocky.exe.

    This starts a small window:

    Additionally you will have three overlays which are presented in raceroom.
    One Overlay is shown when on Track:

    This is just a suggestion in order to ensure that the calculation of the tire pressure and camber adjustments work correctly. After completing 15 km the completed distance will turn yellow, after 25 green. You should at least comlete 15 km, otherwise the calculations depend on wrong tire temperetures (believe me, I made this mistake right before a 2 h race...).

    The second and third overlay are only shown when in pits:

    This window displays the adaptions which should be done to camber and tire pressure.

    Following is one simple example of how it works (don't take the numbers to serious because my tires had wrong temps because I had to make screenshots)

    1. Leaving the pitlane

    2. Driving some laps, depends on the tracklength

    3. After completing 15 km the values the changes for camber and tire pressure are shown in the main view as well as in the overlay.

    4. Adjustments in pits

    -> adjust the pressure and camber according to the overlay/main window
    e.g. current front left camber is -3.2, and the view displays -0.1 as the adatption, the camber has to be -3.2

    The other overlay in the pits is for the calculated fuel (I was in practice mode while taking screenshots... That's why it is empty here). For the first 2-3 laps a max-value given in the raceroom API is taken for calculation. After these laps the fuel consumption of these laps will be taken for calculation.

    All overlays can be adjusted in Position (click and drag it) and in size (with the mousewheel), or be deactivated in the settings.

    The aim for the temperature difference from inside to outside of the tires can be set per axle. The recommended spread should be 5, 10 or 15 degrees Celsius depending on the car in Raceroom, and 5-7 degrees Celsius for the front, 3-5 degrees Celsius for the rear in Automobilista 2.
    The recommended values are selected depending on the selected car and should not be changed, but in case you prefer different values you can change them.

    For Automobilista 2 an additional CREST2.exe is started in the background, which provides the data from AMS2. The sources for CREST2 are available here:

    For usage in VR, follow this guide:

    Have fun and race clean.

    EDIT 08/15/2021 Version
    - Uploaded new version to update temperatures when entering the pitlane. In the before version the update was stopped as soon as the pitlane is entered, which lead to wrong calculations for the adjustments.
    - tiretemperatures will be recorded throughout the stint and after 15 km driven the values for the adaption are calculated. In the before version the last recorded value was taken for calculation, which lead to errors on tracks as Mid-Ohio.
    - added calculated fuel for races (not tested for races in minutes. Please report if fuel is not calculated correctly). Fuel will be calculated by max-value given in the API. After 2-3 laps the fuel will be calculated by the fuel consumption value recorded in these laps.
    - added new overlay for calculated fuel when in pits

    EDIT 08/27/2021 Version
    a user reported an error in the distance calculation. This lead to negative distances and then to not showing neccessary adjustments and fuel calculations
    The problem is solved in version Additionally the helper is closed when raceroom is closed.

    EDIT 08/27/2021 Version
    corrected issue when accidently hit the "drive" button when in pits, which lead to not displaying calculated values.
    -> values will now be deleted when car has left the pits.
    corrected issue in distance calculation when starting setup helper after raceroom.

    EDIT 09/25/2021 Version
    - corrected fuel calculation which was wrong for races in minutes. Fuel will now be calculated with best personal best lap time + 2 laps extra fuel. In order to calculate fuel correctly it is important to drive a few counted laps because Raceroom works with a default consumption per lap, which changes after a few laps have been completed.
    - Added voice notification if 15 or 25 km completed in stint (Thanks to mr_belowski from crew chief for the notifications). The notifications volume depends on the windows settings. Keep in mind that it could be very loud. Don't wreck you hardware if this is the case. It might happen that crew chief will talk at the same time the notification is running. This will be issued in a future version when crew chief will give out these notifications (the date of this change is not known).

    EDIT 09/25/2021 Version
    - minor error changes
    - voice notification now include backgroundsound (just like in crew chief)
    - voice notification volume is adjustable
    - big update -> added update button if new version is available. Check for updated version is always on startup. When new version is available, button will be displayed on the upper right of the window

    EDIT 12/05/2021 Version
    - as you should see now, changelog is visible to check what is actually updated
    - added fuel calculator, the values can be calculated as soon as you are in pits or on track. If you have not driven the initial fuel consumption is taken for calculation. It is recommended to drive a few laps until the correct fuel consumption is given by the raceroom data. The initial fuel consumption is in most cases higher than your actual fuel consumption

    EDIT 06/17/2022 Version
    - removed settings and update information from the main view to single views for settings and updates to make the main view more clear
    - added support for Automobilista 2 (for now fuel display and calculator is not working because there is no average fuel consumption in the AMS2 data)
    - minor bugfixes
    - added new input fields to set front and rear axle temperature differences individually

    EDIT 07/05/2022 Version
    - fixed tooltip for setting the temperature difference
    - added value check for setting aimed temp-difference, values between 3 and 15 are valid
    - added suggestion for tempdifference setting depending on the car/game combo
    - Aimed temperature difference will not be displayed on FWD cars

    EDIT 09/07/2022 Version
    - added french translation

    EDIT 09/14/2022 Version
    - added italian translation
    - corrected french translation
    - changed AMS2 interface from the web file to shared memory (though the data provided still not works correctly)

    EDIT 09/14/2022 Version
    - added fuel calculation for AMS2

    Version 01/03/2024
    - bugfix for distance calculation in ams2 to take out lap into consideration
    - remove update files after update
    - bugfix for playing sounds after 15/25 km driven
    - added setting to display rear tires for FWD cars

    Download the setup helper here:

    Attached Files:

    • Like x 18
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    Last edited: May 19, 2024
  2. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Apr 15, 2018
    +874 / 0 / -0
    Does this work with game in full screen or does it have to be (borderless) windowed for the overlay to display?
  3. MarcoP

    MarcoP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2021
    +31 / 0 / -0
    It works in full screen as well.
    • Love it! Love it! x 1
  4. FormelLMS

    FormelLMS Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    +229 / 0 / -0
    Looks promising. Something I definitely would try. Thank you!
  5. IgBarreto05

    IgBarreto05 New Member

    Aug 16, 2021
    +0 / 0 / -0
    How to make it appear on full screen, I have to almost exit the game to check the changes
  6. MarcoP

    MarcoP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2021
    +31 / 0 / -0
    Do you mean the Overlays or the main view with all information?
  7. IgBarreto05

    IgBarreto05 New Member

    Aug 16, 2021
    +0 / 0 / -0
    The overlays
  8. MarcoP

    MarcoP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2021
    +31 / 0 / -0
    You can click the overlays with the left mouse button and put them wherever you want.
    You can also resize them with the mousewheel.
    If this does not solve your problem please provide a screenshot so I can take a look.
  9. Torned The Bullet

    Torned The Bullet Active Member

    Jan 16, 2016
    +29 / 0 / -0
    Great initiative, I can't wait to test your tool which seems very promising!
  10. lafet philippe

    lafet philippe New Member

    May 25, 2021
    +4 / 0 / -0
    Hello Marcop. I did upload your file. I run the executable and have your program open, but nothing is displayed on my screen overlaid in the Raceroom game. Can you tell me if there is any special handling to be done. Thanks for your help
  11. MarcoP

    MarcoP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2021
    +31 / 0 / -0
    Maybe the problem is that I created the file on a large screen. In the same folder as the .exe file there is a .config file. Try to set the values for top and left to 10. there should be 3 settings each. One for each overlay and see if that helps. All overlays should appear at the top left of the screen then.
  12. lafet philippe

    lafet philippe New Member

    May 25, 2021
    +4 / 0 / -0
    it works. a big thank-you.
  13. Sven Viehweg

    Sven Viehweg New Member

    Apr 17, 2020
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Same problem here. On my desktop screen, there are all overlays visible but ingame there is just nothing. So i have to switch from game to desktop to see the the possible changes and back to game.
  14. MarcoP

    MarcoP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2021
    +31 / 0 / -0
    This is odd… Do you see them completely on the desktop or are the overlays at the edges of the screen?
    In which order do you start raceroom/setuphelper?
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
  15. Sven Viehweg

    Sven Viehweg New Member

    Apr 17, 2020
    +1 / 0 / -0
    The setuphelper is started first with the main window only to be shown. Thereafter i'am starting the game. Ingame, there no overlays for distance, fuel and adjustments...after these 25km of driving i have switch to my desktop screen to see the overlays
  16. MarcoP

    MarcoP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2021
    +31 / 0 / -0
    I cannot reproduce this behaviour, so I don‘t think there‘s anything I can do here. Sorry mate.
  17. Rage Quit #alt_f4

    Rage Quit #alt_f4 New Member

    Mar 4, 2018
    +2 / 0 / -0
    One question. If the default camber is -3.5 and the app says to "-0.5". Should be the final result "-3.0"? Like if I need to reduce the camber I shouldn't put it even lower. Can somebody explain me please. (I did like I said above and it worked for me)
    And thanks for the creation of this app! It's really cool!
  18. Ricardo Rebelo

    Ricardo Rebelo Member

    Oct 11, 2019
    +13 / 0 / -0
    I believe so, all values mean "suggested amount to change from your current setting"
  19. Rage Quit #alt_f4

    Rage Quit #alt_f4 New Member

    Mar 4, 2018
    +2 / 0 / -0
    But if you see the prints above it shows "-4.0" after the "-3.5" of the default setup
  20. Ricardo Rebelo

    Ricardo Rebelo Member

    Oct 11, 2019
    +13 / 0 / -0
    Sorry, I misread your post. From -3,5°, if the helper recommends "-0,5°", then the recommended value is indeed -4,0° - just follow the normal convention when "adding" negative values.
    Please mind that I've already experienced the helper recommending values out of the setup range. Also, after tuning, make sure tyre degradation is still acceptable for you, since more extreme cambers induce more deg.