Out now ➤https://game.raceroom.com/store/tracks/all/tt-circuit-assen The TT Circuit Assen in the Netherlands has a long-standing history in motorsports. It originated as a brick-paved road track used for motorcycle races in 1926 and was later rebuilt into a permanent road course, only keeping the finish line from its original layout. The modern track is characterized by a mix of super-fast and slow corners and was added to the DTM calendar in 2019. The TT Circuit Assen in the Netherlands has a long-standing history in motorsports. It originated as a brick-paved road track used for motorcycle races in 1926. It was later rebuilt into a permanent road course, only keeping the finish line from its original layout. The modern track is characterized by a mix of super-fast and slow corners. It was recently added to the DTM calendar. Multiple race drivers are using the track in RaceRoom to prepare for real life events already. Join Esports and DTM Trophy driver Moritz Löhner on a lap as he introduces the track to us.
Can I just give you a blank check, you take all my money, and you just keep cranking new tracks so I can permanently be glued to my sim rig?
Really looking forward to this one. Not only because it is my 'hometrack', but also because it never really was released on any sim properly as native content (i know, Rf2 has it and AC has some modding... but yeah... cant be compared imo). Now the hopefully (not so) long wait till 'soon available' becomes 'now available'.
I agree. I've played mod versions of this track and it's super interesting. It will be nice to have it an official capacity.
I had watched and seen the DTM today ... ah they drive in Assen. Googled right away whether the racetrack is also in RaceRoom. Unfortunately not . ... Then evening i read in the forum Assen Preview lol Thank you very much!
I'm really happy to have Assen in RaceRoom but can we hope have some info about the introduction of the 2021 DTM in RaceRoom?
I just looked at the store and it ain't got no Assen, what's up? When are we going to get some Assen around here?!? Simmers are all about dat Assen!
Another new track is currently in its final stages of development and will come to RaceRoom soon! First line on top
The devs should take their time to finish the track so TT Assen will shine. So team take your time - no stress - Thrusday 23. September is time enough.