Hi my name is crunchie and I'm looking to post something bigger, with links! I have been racing R3E for at least 3 years now and I'm hoping to post details for RaceRoom Racers - a Discord group for which I run the severs
Hello ! My name is Ivan ,and I am from Croatia. I am new to the RR and to the sim racing. Been playing driving games all my life ,but mostly on Ps. Really love the game ,by far the best sim expirience so far. I bought the starter pack,so I am testing the cars and tracks . And racing a bit on the rookie servers. John Littleonion is the nick. I' ll try to be fast and keep it clean!
Hi, my name is Oriol and I'm from Spain. I drove a lot of sims ever in computer plataform... LFS, AC, F1 ... I was on RaceRoom a lot of years, but now (with some friends) we are going to rave with RR. Not so fast but trying to be clean
Hi everyone, I have come here from cutting my teeth in Race 07 which I played with mouse-steering. Love this sim for the historic cars with authentic liveries, superb sound design, and very satisfying driving model. I also actually like being able to build my sim from various components (cars and tracks) that suit my tastes, rather than paying for a lot of content that doesn't interest me.
hallo mein Name ist Danny aus Deutschland. Ich suche in diesem Forum nach meinem Problem, finde aber nichts. Ich habe mich gefragt, ob ich der einzige mit diesem Problem bin. Ich möchte das neue Zeug in R3E kaufen, aber immer wenn ich den Kauf im Spiel akzeptiere, geht es nicht weiter. Ich kann stundenlang warten und kann nichts kaufen. Ich habe in der Vergangenheit nur den Kauf ingame akzeptiert, als das Spiel Steam geöffnet hat und dort einige VRP kaufen konnte. Aber jetzt funktioniert es nicht, ich fülle mein Stam-Konto extra mit etwas Geld auf, aber es wird nicht funktionieren. Ich hoffe jemand kann mir bitte helfen
Hello, my introduction here is long overdue, as I’ve been reading the forum and occasionally posting for some time. My name is Ricardo Rebelo, I’m from Portugal and living currently in Porto. I’m not a young lad anymore, being 45 now. Since I was a child, I’ve been crazy about car racing, so it was only natural that, at a time when I didn’t have yet a computer, I was very curious about the first sims available in PC. I remember playing at friend’s homes Indy 500 and Microprose F1GP. After I had a PC at my parent’s, I bought GP2 and my devotion to sims really kicked off. Over the years, depending on the hardware available to me, I’ve played more or less extensively titles like Indycar Racing II, GP4, TOCA2, TOCA World Touring Cars, F1C99-02 (the VirtuaLM mod), Race, GTR2, Race07, STCC – The Game, Race On and rFactor. On the hardware side, after playing for years with keyboard or controller, my first wheel was a Microsoft Sidewinder, then I got FFB with a Logitech Momo and more rotation with a Fanatec Carrera. When the pedals needed replacement, I got Fanatec’s CSRs and finally upgraded the wheel to a CSL Elite; that’s the hardware I currently play with. Since I play at a desk, I have no place for a manual gear shifter which means that, even owning most of the game’s content, I avoid playing the older cars as it feels wrong to paddle-shift them. According to the portal, I arrived in Raceroom in August 2016 and have played over 1100 hours since then. My initial intention was basically, after enjoying the Race series, to race the WTCC cars, but the sheer number of cars and tracks available has completely hooked me, to the point that since some time I don’t play any other sim. Also, for many, many years I’ve played exclusively offline and I had never been interested on online racing, fearing to find wreckers and unsporting players. Last year, talking to a colleague, we found that we both played Raceroom and he had a very nice feedback from the ranked server races. Guess what? Since trying it, I have never raced offline again! The amount of excitement I get from racing other people is second to none, so now, when I have time in the weekends, I just try to practice at least one combo of the week and do a few ranked races. When the combo pleases me and the schedule is convenient, my priority is to try to race at least the longer 1-hour GTR3 races, as I feel that racing for only 15 minutes leaves me still “hungry” for more, being daily races the amount and quality of players is better ensured and it introduces a strategic element absent on the shorter ones. I hope to meet you guys at the track and have fun together!
Hello everyone. The name is Eddie or Qwikstreet if you are looking for small content creators that aren't that fast. I am an older gamer from the USofA and have loved racing games for decades. Last year I really started focusing on just racing games. My steering wheel has been attached to my desk ever since last November. It makes it really fun to work from home hunched over my wheel to type and work on spreadsheets. I own all the sim titles except Automobilista. Each one has something I like. Raceroom is a title I need to spend more time in because I enjoy the feel of the game and love the variety at a lower price point than iRacing. I am picking up all the content this Black Friday and hope to see a sweet deal. The one turn off I have is when I have time to race the servers are a ghost town. I am hoping that the growing development of this game will really get racers excited to stick around. Luckily the AI in this title offers an alternative to online races.
Hi everyone, my name is Gianluca, I'm italian. I'm taking my first steps in raceroom, and I have a lot of questions to ask. First question: for now i have installed the ps4 controller (waiting to buy a steering wheel), the controller works but it disables the sound, someone help me? Second question: which steering wheel do you recommend? possibly not too expensive, I don't have a lot of money ..... For the moment it's all. Thank you and sorry for my English.
Hi Gabriel, are you an "expert" or "novice"? Because I'm the first time in the simrace ans I need a lot of advises
Ok, Raceroom for me is the first experience in simrace, and I don't understand anything about setup ...
Hey all. I'm Benjamin from the Netherlands, and after years of not racing I'm trying to get back into it again. Started playing AC a couple of weeks ago, found out about Raceroom through a friend, and gave it a try. Looking to get a wheel and paddles somewhere in the next few weeks, just trying to get a feel of some of the games that are around with an XB360 gamepad. I'm sure I'll see some of you around on the tracks somewhere.
Just letting you know due to massive abuse of moderators on the RR multiplayer servers I will be uninstalling this game in the very near future.