Released 02-06-2015 - RaceRoom has been updated

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KW Studios, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. m.bohlken

    m.bohlken Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    +988 / 0 / -0
    I think you hear the Track-Commentator... there are a lot of sound-effects that are more noticeable in the replays. In Zandvoort for e.g. you can hear Seagulls.

    With the new Patch there are more Sliders for the volume of different Sound-Effects... if it is to loud for you, you may have a look at the volume-settings...
  2. Ceram

    Ceram New Member

    Jun 1, 2015
    +3 / 0 / -0
    I think I found the problem for the sound in background when watching replays. I have turned off music in the menu, but maybe it's not completely gone in the replay. Somewhat disturbing.
  3. Nathan M

    Nathan M New Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    +1 / 0 / -0
    First of all i want to say i love this game, i wish it had a strong multiplayer following but if the success of your recent improvements and additional content continues im sure the game will finally get the support it deserves.

    So far ive noticed the following problems with the recent update, in DTM 2014 occasionaly in replays the front hood of the car will be missing visually.

    Pressing the controller profile button will freeze the game.

    And frustratingly for me the ai doesn't seem as capable as it was previously.

    I was running the ai on 102 and this level provided a reasonable challenge. Running at the same level in the new update they seem to be producing slower laptimes and ive noticed them consistently running off track or using too much run off like at the hairpin in Germany or the chase at Bathurst. The chase at Bathurst seems to cause major problems with cars spinning and pile ups with cars slowing to avoid each other.

    Ive had to raise the ai to 110 to provide strong competition again but unfortunately it hasn't fixed their new attraction to using to much road.

    They seem to randomly lift or break sometimes on straights as well which detracts from an otherwise amazing ai, easily the best in any racing game.

    The car sounds also seem to be a little quieter in replays? Replays were amazing to watch before and still are but the engine sounds need to be a louder to really blow you away again.
  4. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2015
    +803 / 0 / -0
    The smoother braking - to be rated as an improvement - indeed seems to come at the cost of the AI braking too early before at least some turns, opening opportunities to overtake them easily there. But smoothness and viciousness are indeed somewhat antagonistic, aren't they, so this maybe is not a surprise.

    It certainly is a point where further polishing and balancing of the AI can set in. The AI absolutely already is extremely good - but make it even better! I still see space for improving it. Its not just about faster lapt times - a mediocre driver like me does not need even faster AI drivers. Its about the quality of driving, line-finding, braking, attack-behavior I'm about to see on track. It already is very, very good, and still: I think there still is more in the jackpot.

    BTW, AI was what brought me from AC to R3E in March. ;) Its one of the deciding key features of R3E testifying in its favour, imo.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Anthony Monteil

    Anthony Monteil KW Studios Developer

    Jan 14, 2015
    +1,199 / 0 / -0
    This was a request from some users here : increasing the volume difference between the front and the rear of the car from the spectator point of view (TV cams).

    So, in this update, I made the volume cone around the car a bit sharper and also increased the cone size at the rear of the car in the driving axis.

    It is indeed more realistic and spectacular this way, but the downside is that it decreased the volume from the front and sides of the cars.

    It's not really possible to increase the main replay volume either as some TV cams close to the cars and the track will become extremely loud, which could damage some user's ears and hardware.

    I might work on a different audio dynamic and balance on replays later, but for now, this is the best compromise I could find ;)
    • Like Like x 4
    • Informative Informative x 3
  6. Nathan M

    Nathan M New Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Hi Anthony, thanks for your reply.

    I can certainly see the reasoning behind the changes. Assetto corsa with the bmw z3 and iracing with cars like the v8supercar and corvette have done a great job with getting those replay's sounding great.

    Its hard to know for certain whats better because I no longer have the original sound to compare back to back but I seriously loved the previous iterations sound, watching a replay of a dtm race was pure bliss! I definitely think that things have quietened down a little to much in the pursuit of realism though and I welcome your comments that you might look at it further in the future.

    Great to see the developers having conversation with the members!
  7. Anthony Monteil

    Anthony Monteil KW Studios Developer

    Jan 14, 2015
    +1,199 / 0 / -0
    Could you tell me in which car you heard this please? I'm suspecting a mistake in the backfires assignation but it would help a lot to confirm the car I need to check. Thanks ;)
  8. nipzon

    nipzon Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    +59 / 0 / -0
    I noticed this in the Gumpert GTX.
  9. Anthony Monteil

    Anthony Monteil KW Studios Developer

    Jan 14, 2015
    +1,199 / 0 / -0
    Thank you, I'll check it immediately and fix ;)
  10. maxel

    maxel Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    +50 / 0 / -0
    @Anthony: It was the ADAC 2014 Mclaren MP4. But it didn't happen again for some reason...
  11. Mich Angel

    Mich Angel Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2015
    +216 / 0 / -0
    I got everything working just fine now Menus working and all selection screens are ok and looking awesome, loading screen to. :D :D :D
    By adding this on startup setings ( -cefNoGPU ) GOOD JOBB!
    But I noticed one strange thing doing a single race in DTM2014 all work perfect untill race starts you do not start in you own car, you end up on someone ellses bonnet..?? You need to toggle thrugh the drivers to find your car but at this time everyone is half way around the track?? I Retryed this 4 times same thing every race, when race start you don't get to start in your car you need to find it!? LoL!
    ADAC is not like that it work just fine.. ;)
    But what's with the magnetic cars?? if you touch a AI you get stuck to it for a sec or twoo somtime even longer??
    Coming up beside trying to sneek past on iside a AI car the cars got stuck together thrugh the corner then everyone pased by before we got separated again?? That's just wierd!?

    Have not tried if it is like this in the other DTM2013/2014.........

    Have to add to the driving feel is awesome new patch is so amazing, much better well done! :D

    Noticed just one thing still remaining on handling to most cars... DUCK TALE WIPING!??
    (( When or if you lose the tail just litle, the car behave like a station wagon ( Volvo245) on the return wich is what many cars don't do if you counterstear corecly and ease of the throtle the car setles) ). As it is now it feel like it CASTER angle is set more like ordenary road cars wich give this carecteristic behavior. Think you can fix the CASTER it is way to low on all cars exept one car actualy wich behaiv perfect ( the Audi 90 Quatro there the casters feel just perfect for a 4x drive)...
    Or best of all PLEASE PLEASE fix it so we can ajust our CASTER angle our self ;) :D
    CASTER angel is one of the most important setings for the handling behavior of a car ;)

    Over all amizing differens as said before AWESOME jobb :D :D :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Anthony Monteil

    Anthony Monteil KW Studios Developer

    Jan 14, 2015
    +1,199 / 0 / -0
    Thank you, hopefully it keeps working :)
  13. Yatzeck

    Yatzeck Member

    Mar 31, 2015
    +24 / 0 / -0
    Great work! The sound is now amazing. AI is better and better. New user interface is good. But for example, I've lost all of my statistics... After the patch everything begins from zero... I'm looking forward and I think that the next patch will be about the UI. More than this one.
    At the end, once more, R3E sounds best. Everything is alive, and I'm in the middle in the battle, that's what I'm lookin for. Thank You Sector 3.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Robes

    Robes New Member

    Apr 26, 2015
    +1 / 0 / -0
    I'm loving the new WTCC content however I have my reservations about the new AI. I think they have become too cautious in overtaking and too cautious in braking. I've watched the AI racing itself and a faster driver will get stuck behind a slower one and simply never be able to pass. I feel they are braking too early as well, I'm finding the AI not too difficult at 105 and I'm not a fast driver, I could up the level and still be faster then them.

    In short - more aggression, later braking needed.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. JNRRR

    JNRRR Active Member

    Feb 1, 2015
    +25 / 0 / -0
    Same opinion here. WTCC2014 ist great, the AI-drivers needs their teeth back.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Robes

    Robes New Member

    Apr 26, 2015
    +1 / 0 / -0
    I've just tried Moscow Raceway sprint in the WTCC 14 Civic and I can keep up with the AI at 120 which is definitely not good as I'm simply not that fast.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. James Cook

    James Cook Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    +1,014 / 0 / -0
    Agreed. Sorry to say it, but the AI has taken a backwards step in many ways. No overtaking, minimal mistakes and incidents, no retirements - it needs more character.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  18. Dale Junior

    Dale Junior Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
  19. Arthur Spooner

    Arthur Spooner Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2015
    +432 / 0 / -0
    After most of the dust has settled by now, I'd like to write some feedback about this last big patch from my point of view.

    At first about the new transmission model and the new sound system which go hand in hand somehow. It's both absolutely great! Both add a new level of immersion into the driving experience. You now have a much better "feeling" about what is going on with the car. It's much more rattling and squeeking while shaking in the wheel. I just love it. :)

    Next about the dedicated server. Still a bit rough at the edges I'd say. ;) Sadly the time buffer before the race (which was a great addition) had to be taken back due to some bugs. But in the end we now have a lot more variety and (most important for my liking) longer races. I'm not quite sure why there are so many connection problems being reported all over the forums, but I had some of them too sometimes. Maybe it's because a lot of "privateers" overestimate the capabilities of their internet connection? I don't know.

    Despite some people complaining about the new iteration of the AI, I must say that it has come a good step forward. I read from people that the AI is not aggressive enough any more. For me it was way too aggressive before and is a lot better now. I don't need an AI that is so aggressive that it shoves me off the track every time I'm in front of them. AI is on principle a difficult thing and you can never get it 100% right for everybody but in my opinion it has become a lot better. Still an AI slider for free practice would be nice.

    The new GUI is another step forward I think. It's very functional and clear. It also has become more responsive. But you have forgotten to remove one little green orb still. It's in the replay menu which is still completely under the old design. ;)

    Next about the new content. The WTCC 2014 cars are enormously fun to drive. You can feel them very good, they feel like expected and the lift off oversteer is not as bad as it is on the 2013 cars. And yes, I know these cars tend to be loose on the rear end, but still I'd like to control this myself with a caster setting which is not available. All the other settings like camber, toe in, springs, dampers and anti roll bars only have a minor effect on lift off oversteer compared to caster. At least it was like this in Race07. I was even thinking about passing on the WTCC 2014 pack until we finally get caster in the setup. But now I must admit that I had missed a lot of fun if I did so. :) Actually not worth mentioning because it's plain obvious but the cars are of course modeled very nicely, like always. :)

    The Shanghai Circuit looks - like to be expected - extremely accurate and nicely done. The layout is a bit too flat for my liking, but this is of course not the fault of the 3D-artists. And what the hell was Tilke smoking when he designed that snail? o_O I'd like some of that too... :cool:

    Already looking forward to Macau. Unfortunately it will mostly be quite a crashfest on public servers, just like in Race07. And now we will even have faster touring cars there. :eek: Thinking about the pileups and flying cars, that will surely happen at Mandarin and Lisboa bend, I can't help but having Blues Brothers in my mind. :D

    Thanks a lot for the additional GTR3 liveries, I already purchased a few of them.

    But I also noticed something that has become a lot worse after the patch. And this is the bug that in replays body parts disappear on some cars. I have a replay with WTCC 2014 on Nürburgring where after a few laps at least half of the cars are missing body parts. And not only one or two parts like a bumper and a rearwing like it was before the patch. There are cars that are missing front bumper, hood, boot lid, rear wing and all four wheels. You can see bare chassis' hovering around the track with sometimes glowing break discs. :confused: What's the problem with that? And why has it become even worse with the patch?

    To sum it all up I think the patch as a whole was a huge step forward. But (there is always a "but") maybe in the future you should consider taking more, but smaller steps. I for one was quite lucky. I only had a lot of 50X errors the first two days when I was not at home anyway. I only wanted to take an look at the new GUI on my laptop, maybe start a replay. Can't play on this laptop anyway - it's too slow and I have no wheel with me when I'm away to work. So the annoyance for me wasn't that big. But I think I had been quite angry if I was at home and wanted to try out all the fancy new stuff. And since most people don't work far that away from home and are at home every evening, I guess the majority wasn't very happy with how the rollout "rolled". No question, bugs can happen. But if you push out updates of this size, updating so many aspects of the game, the probability of having big problems increases a lot.

    Finally: Thank you very much for your constant effort in bringing RRRE forward! :)
    • Like Like x 3
  20. Paul Jeffrey

    Paul Jeffrey Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    +86 / 0 / -0
    Im finding the new AI much improved from previous versions, however i have noticed they do seem quite a bit slower than previously... anyone else noticed? Also, when running in Free Practice and Quali it always seems like the fast drivers get stuck in a queue and artificially slow the times (and annoying mixes up the grid). An example of this is WTCC14, when everyone seemed to run clean, the grid was as expected (JML, Muller & Loeb followed by the Honda's and the odd top Chevy), then further playing, everyone seems t be stuck behind a Lada and never sets a decent time. Finding this quite frustrating, firstly because im artificially higher up the grid (i like a good midfield/lower points fight) and secondly, which is a real immersion killer for me, the grid is unrealistic (which will have a knock on in points/championship positions).
    I hope this is under review at S3 and something can be done about it.. if they could pass each over a bit more it would be great. Other than that, the AI i actually think is really good. Read somewhere someone suggested being able to change the strength for the race weekend up to the end of 1st practice, that's a great idea. Would also like the ability to pick how many practice sessions i want to run, how long for, and warm up (plus manual pits)..
    Wow! This posts gone on faaaaar to long... sorry,
