News 24Hours "BIG THANK YOU" sale - 50% off everything

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KW Studios, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. duvel

    duvel Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    +5 / 0 / -0
    Signed up specifically to voice my disdain for this "sale". The free weekend was my first time on this sim since its dreary launch a few years back, and it's matured nicely. You've surprised and impressed me! At this stage, it's a damn fun game, very simbin like physics (forgiving) etc which potentially makes for some very good pug racing online, etc. It's doing a hell of a lot right once you're in the game. Amazing stuff to be honest.

    But I'm going to be candid here. The silly pricing needs to stop. Your packs are continuously on a fake sale and we all know it. You are not doing any special marketing technique we don't see everyday in the supermarkets, and most are really quite tired of it day t day. It just looks embarrassing. Can you please just list the "sale prices" as your standard deals and remove the generic fake marketing literally everyone over the ages of 18 is already sick of in their day to day lives? Anyone who has spent more than a week looking at this sim knows the pack "sale discount" prices you run are just your standard pack prices. So now, today, the supposed 50% sale is nothing of the sort and you are well aware of that, s3s. It is worthy of a second hand car salesman.

    And that is not even touching on the fact that your sim is very expensive indeed, overpriced in my opinion, but that's another matter i won't get into.

    Ignoring the absolute chaos of how you are still deciding to price and structure your game, you have a damn fine product here, but please stop with the sneaky underhand sales tactics. You are keeping out at least one sim racer here who would probably be willing to spend £40-50 in this sim over time if i felt it was better value and not using sneaky, derivative marketing tactics. I see that rubbish, I switch off. And the feeling many have is you will keep refreshing content every year and expect more money for what is very similar content, not a good feeling to have on top of all of the above but it' what many are used to from simbin.

    Your sim is simply overpriced for what it is and dare i say it, consumer unfriendly. Because of this, i doubt I'll end up giving you any money until things drastically change, no matter how much i loved playing it this weekend (and i did and want to play it more). You should be worried about not being able to convert that kind of excitement into a sale, really.
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    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  2. LuckyLIVE

    LuckyLIVE New Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    +4 / 0 / -0
    I am sorry but you should check your corporate wording. "50% off everything" means EVERYTHING ... no matter what ... and that includes packs too.

    You may run your discounts as you please but please choose the wording in your marketing events wisely in the future.

    I totally agree with Kjell Eilertsen ... this is what we all were expecting and I totally understand it when people now have a sour taste in mouth by what they consider a ripoff.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. James Cook

    James Cook Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    +1,014 / 0 / -0
    I hate to say it (again) but this thread is yet another demonstration of how this sales model is flawed. The rest of R3E is developing so nicely and the product is so far ahead compared to a year ago that it can only be the sales model and pricing that are holding this game back.

    The notion that a pack is a sale in itself and exempt from further reduction is not really consumer friendly. Bulk buying anything is not a sale, it's economy of scale.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  4. Giannis Christod

    Giannis Christod Active Member

    May 5, 2015
    +30 / 0 / -0
    Have to say, I also disagree with the false discount of packs during the normal, non-sales period.... And I think that the current half-reduced prices are closer to reality and make the game more reachable to a wider audience. Just my 2p.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. luis.s

    luis.s New Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    +3 / 0 / -0
    I'd like to also add my disdain for the sales model. I came into R3E as soon as I was able to get in while it was initially being developed, and enjoyed what I was seeing (spending over 20 hours in it). I was then driven away by the business model and didn't really play it again since release.

    I came back and tried the free weekend that just passed and had a wonderful time. R3E seemed to have really matured, and everything I tried was great fun and I was very impressed. But once again the way R3E is monetised puts me off buying anything, as it is just too much of a headache and feels dishonest and manipulative. In my experience a majority of people who play racing sims are quite happy to spend money on good quality content, something which R3E appears to have plenty of. I believe most people who try R3E, myself very much included, would appreciate it if the cost of content was presented in a clear and honest way in their local currency.

    This is my first post on these forums and I don't mean to come across as antagonistic, I just would like to give my feedback on how I see the game and add to the voices of others who feel the same. I really like the actual content of R3E and would like to see it do as well as it can.
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  6. James Cook

    James Cook Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    +1,014 / 0 / -0
    A good start would be to banish vRP and present everything priced in Euros. Much of the player base is in the Euro zone and those using other currencies can easily convert the cost to $/£/whatever. Those with a stock pile of vRP could have those points converted to a monetary balance in €.

    My biggest problem is I don't really know how much things are costing me.
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  7. oppolo

    oppolo Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2015
    +47 / 0 / -0
    in some challenges people can win vRP, I dont' know for sure but maybe if the prize would be in currency, maybe there could be problems with taxes, or at least all becomes too difficult

    you have to know with what discount you bought your vRP and than you can calculate the price in euros of the item you want to buy

    anyway, maybe these links could help, at least helped me, the first time I came to raceroom
  8. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    +594 / 0 / -0
    Great first post sir, constructive and the polar opposite of 'trolling'.

    When I decided I wanted to 'buy in' to R3E, I told myself the following:

    "I would happily spent €35 in this, if it were a standalone game. So, I'll make my own."

    I went to and saw it would buy me 5000 VrP, so I went to the Raceroom store and made a basket to this value (actually, somewhat under). I then treat any additional content that comes out that I'm interested in as DLC, as I would any other game (Rome 2 and Race 07 were the main ones I play with this approach). I actually found having many VRP to spare after my first binge, so I was able to drop that on a few new packs and tracks that came out before having to break into my mental 'DLC budget'.

    I'm making an exception for this game, because I believe it's the best offline circuit racing sim out there, but I don't regret it.

    I do agree that their business model is horrible, confusing and offputting, but I think the team working on the game realise this bit are tied into a lot of existing contracts based upon it that could not be simply renegotiated in a short period of time. Packs, discounts and the like are a good opportunity to do this further.

    But put it this way, if you pay €35 today and customise your own game, see what you could get and see if it feels worth it. Actually, I challenge any existing members here to make their own 5000VRP 'starter pack' as a suggestion.
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  9. le_poilu

    le_poilu Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    +278 / 0 / -0
    Someone seems to forget that as a steam game if you have in game purchase of content via steam (in your currency) there's a pourcentage of the deal that goes directly on valve pockets... And it's not cheap.

    Using a virtual money is a good way to propose in game purchase without the "steam taxe"

    If you had to pay in your currency via steam in-game purchase, content might be a little bit more expensive.

    That's why vrp bought on raceroom store are cheaper than the vrp bought directly on steam
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Krzysztof Volek

    Krzysztof Volek Active Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    +28 / 0 / -0
    It depends on your class preferences, but I would suggest to go for:

    ADAC 2014 + DTM 1992 + Group 5 + American Track Pack. It will get you three racing classes (one of which is full experience) and 12 tracks with such masterpieces as Zandvoort, Mid Ohio and Sonoma among them.
    And it will still be slightly below 5000vRP.

    Alternatively if you are not into GT3 type cars than exchange ADAC for European track pack and awesome tracks that comes with it, so together with American track pack you will have 18 tracks in total. It will take some time to master them all.

    You can also exchange Group 5 for WTCC if you feel that G5 monsters are slightly too much for you. I think you could probably fit both, 2013 and 2014 seasons within 5000 because you would get some discounts for duplicated tracks between WTCC2013 and European Track Pack.

    Also, If you don't care too much about additional liveries you can have all the G5 and WTCC cars for much less that the price of the package, if you buy them separately today, with 50% discount.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  11. Herbaliza

    Herbaliza New Member

    Apr 26, 2015
    +2 / 0 / -0
    m1 pro car, gt2 vette, dtm 92 mustang and a few skins! now my collection is near complete :)
  12. duvel

    duvel Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    +5 / 0 / -0
    i bought a little bit of content just to show my above posts were not from someone who isn't willing to pay for content in the game. As said, the game is damn good. But if I'm to put more into this game like i kind of want to, I hope to see things with the pricing and "sales" change in the future. Game has huge potential to get some mainstream love, but not the way it currently is marketed/works.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  13. duvel

    duvel Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    +5 / 0 / -0
    did you check group5 outside of packs? i think if you buy all those grp 5 cars single, its a hell of a lot cheaper right now, go check. But of course, no extra liveries i guess :(
  14. Chris Wright

    Chris Wright Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    +11 / 0 / -0
    My own thread on this issue refers. At the very least this statement should have been a rider to your ad. I'm very angry about this now. This is highly selective marketing and will, myself included, have convinced some loyal clients that they were getting a steal of a deal yesterday, when in fact, in terms of the packs, there was no deal at all. This does not equate with 50% Off Everything, as those of us who own more or less all DLC would expect to be treated better. Very disappointing attitude.

    On a wider level, may I suggest that this unfortunate incident demonstrates how cumbersome your pricing policy is. So much has improved since you took over from SimBin, for which my congrats, but the pricing remains really confusing and, even if it isn't deceptive, to many appears so.

    As a suggestion, a subscription model, taking into account already owned DLC, would take a lot of pain out of this and be infinitely more transparent, especially for newcomers, many of whom I suspect you have just lost face with, after the great gesture for them to try it all.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  15. Alex

    Alex Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    +51 / 0 / -0
    Well, I just see people saying that the packs are not on sale, but do you know that packs include liveries, and when you buy an individual car it just includes the default?

    Yesterday I analyzed prices for the DTM 1992, both for individual cars and the pack, so check this out (prices are with the discount):
    Audi V8 DTM: 125 vRP (single livery) or 200 vRP (default + 3 liveries, each cost 25vRP, the first is included you pay for the others)
    BMW M3 Sport Evolution: 125 vRP (single livery) or 350 vRP (default + 9 liveries)
    Ford Mustang GT DTM: 125 vRP (single livery) or 150 vRP (default + 1 livery)
    Mercedes 190E Evo II DTM: 125 vRP (single livery) or 300 vRP (default + 7 liveries)
    Opel Omega 3000 Evo500: 125 vRP (has just one livery)

    So, if you buy the cars individually, just with the default livery, it costs: 625 vRP.
    If you buy them individually with all liveries instead, it costs: 1125 vRP.
    But the pack (which includes all liveries) costs now 999 vRP.

    So remember that 1125 is the 50%OFF price, so it would normally cost 2250.
    If you compare that to the pack price, 999 is more than 50% off.

    At least for me, the pack was indeed a saving, and it is really more than 50% off.
  16. Chris Wright

    Chris Wright Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    +11 / 0 / -0
    Agreed 100%. In my view in game currency should be made illegal for any title.
  17. Chris Wright

    Chris Wright Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    +11 / 0 / -0
    [QUOTE="At least for me, the pack was indeed a saving, and it is really more than 50% off.[/QUOTE]

    Under the terms of the offer, "50% Off Everything", the normal pack price should have also been subject to a 50% one day discount. That would be the consumer interpretation. All this other detail just shows what a mess their pricing has become.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. LuckyLIVE

    LuckyLIVE New Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    +4 / 0 / -0
    After I was having a great weekend trying out everything for free I was willing to spend some money. But after I had seen the pricing for this kind of offer excluding the packs for some reason and following the constructive discussion I decided not to make a single transaction unless they have cleaned up their %-policy.

    "50% off everything" means EVERYTHING! No matter what and even if the packs are continuously on some kind of a silly fake sale.

    It is a shame that a very good product is suffering from bad marketing decissions made by strange marketing salesmen.

    Think about this: "Take less from many people makes more profit than taking much from less people."

    Maybe we will see each other on the track again ... but sadly not this time!

    Greetings from Austria.
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  19. Frankymoe

    Frankymoe Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
    +74 / 0 / -0
    Don`t be stingy. A few euros are well worth the fun!

    Greetings back from Austria!
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  20. Chris Wright

    Chris Wright Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    +11 / 0 / -0
    Maybe so, but there's a principle here and, don't forget, a few Euros here and there adds up if you have all the DLC.
    • Agree Agree x 2