It blows me away how they can take these material conditions and the behaviour of these materials from an infinite number of version and turn that data into 1's & 0's
Let's take the suspension as an example. I know that Alex has spent a lot of time developing the model that deals with suspension movement, so that's how the movement affects camber, caster, body roll etc, steering self alignment etc. As the model gets more complex it is therefor a closer approximation to reality. Measurements and CAD data are taken from the real world cars to put data into the model. Without being specific about any car it means for example that rather than have a generic suspension you have a suspension that as far as possible is correct for that car. As this better model gets deployed into the game the cars properly reflect the way the cars handle in real life. The same kind of thing with tyres, as the model becomes more complex so the tyre for each car can become closer to the attributes of the real life tyre. Eg we have both modern slicks and old crossplys in the game which are totally different in the way they handle. As in Niels video, data isn't always available, so in that case educted guesses based on other knowledge can get us close, after that tweaks can be made based on any extra information that is gained, which might be raw data, video evidence, real world driver input etc. If you look at how the physics and tyre model have developed over the last few years it's obvious that Alex and the team are doing great things.
In the end... Yes. Based on limited data, lots of interpretation and assumptions based on laws of physics. When you would make the most accurate tyre models, you would have to analyse every track, tyre and car combination. I think that's the reason the simulators used by F1 teams are the only ones which come close to reality, because they have all data of every track for their cars, and they can have the closest interpretation on the effects of weather, aero and all other dynamic variables. And even for them, it's still an educated guess. Only with far smaller margins of error. 100% agree. For me, that's why I always end up racing R3E. For sure Alex (and the rest of the team ofcourse) made gigantic leaps in R3E physics over the years.
to be clear, i dont think the older physics were more realistic or even more fun. It was the challenge, the struggle with the car, which made them fun. Did more practise/hotlapping with it, than actually racing. But i didnt think at all, that that was the handling anyone could race this car with this handling for one race, or even endurance competitive in real life. Too many possible errors to make, i dont think that the 934 would had been that succsessful with that handling in the 70s. Even with an godlike driver (and drivers in the 70s where godlike imo). Yes it was difficult to drive for shure, bc porsche is an alien with its motor in back. But when we consider the M1 physics are on point (we dont know, but as far as i know a real team was involved in the development), the porsche is a spoon while the M1 is knife. sure you can cut some things with a spoon, but it is not effective. Instantly things feel easyier with the M1, more natural. The result is after one or two laps you beat the time you did with the porsche, after lapping it for hours. That my experience on any track. Did countless laps on nords with porsche, but only a few with M1 - 5 seconds faster. the new physics on the other hand made the porsche more stable, less beasty and now you can cut with it, like with the M1. But without, and that is the most important point for me, loosing its characteristics. They are just not over the top anymore.
@J-F Chardon with the recent updates to physics and tire model is it recommended to delete setups, done prior to this update, for the cars listed?
I probably should have tested this before I asked the question regarding deleting past setups. From my experience with the Gr C Porsche at Road America my existing setup was significantly quicker after the update (2 seconds) on the LB compared to the current default. In short I wouldn't necessarily discount past setups and give them a try first. Hey look I learned two things.
Can TS PC racer owners confirm if they had to redo their FFB settings after this update? I will test it tonight Japan time but just wanted to know what to expect ahead. Thanks
And not to forget the simulations of one car by those professional teams takes very beefy workstations
Having driven the 934 for more than 300 hours I can only conclude that you did some astounding work on the 934 . The car can now be pushed to its limits during long races, although this remains of course still a very dangerous thing to do. Great job and I hope for further additions to Group 4 and Group 5.
I was quite surprised that Gr4/procar etc got updated again, i was pretty happy with the latest physics. However now i'm really happy they did, what an great update. i wasn't played for a while before update so some thing may be just placebo effects, but i think i can now feel suspension movement/body roll much better and driving on the edge of grip limt feels more natural. Fantastic job again! Will be exciting to drive updated Gr5 cars soon.
91Mb patch received today, someone knows about it ? Edit : steam patchnote ==> This update addresses some content server errors noticed yesterday.