Hi, We are preparing for an update that will go live in just a few weeks. There is one important change that we need to notify you guys about. The upcoming update will change the way we handle player accounts. RaceRoom Racing Experience will fully integrate with Steam and players will no longer have to go through a registration form or have to use an email and password for login. After the update new players will get an account generated automatically with their Steam and existing players will login with Steam automatically instead of using email and password. http:// This change requires that the existing accounts have logged in to the game at least once so that their account has been associated/linked to their Steam. Please note it is not enough to log in to our portal via a web browser. Another change due to this update is that the "Switch Account" option in the account settings will no longer be available. This option was allowing players to "de-associate" their accounts so they could use the same R3E account with another Steam account. This will no longer be possible. If you are a player who were using this option, please make sure you are associated with the account you want to keep by June 14th.
Hoping this will fix all the 503 errors and constant logins I have to do then. It is very hit and miss if I can actually get on to play.
So I'm guessing this means when we haven't got it installed we should see it still in our library like all other games we have purchased?
No. We just use Steam the information on your Steam account to create the account instead of requiring email and password. What you are describing is simply due to the game being Free to Play so you cannot technically own it. That's why it disappears when you uninstall it.
No, this is only about account creation and logging into the game. We are basically removing the hassle of creating and activating an account, remembering your email or password etc.. By this change, you will only need to remember your Steam account credentials. In other words it will be as if you only had one account and never had to create another account for R3E.
To get things straight. This means that the Raceroom webpage account will be merged into the Steam account of each user,right?
Hmm not sure what you mean by webpage account. The R3E account you use to play the game is going through portal so technically it's web. The change means that the R3E account will be created and signed in with Steam. Just like the option you have here on the forums you will sign in with through Steam. So technically it's not a merge, we're just not requiring email and password anymore. The account will be created based on your Steam ID.
Generally, removing one layer of registration always sounds good to me as long as security isn't a problem which I can't see to be the case here. Maybe a few dumb questions... Does this mean we will from then enter the store with our Steam credentials? Or does it mean the store will not be available anymore via webbrowser and will only be ingame? I'm asking because in the past the store sometimes had technical issues when called ingame, while calling it via webbrowser it was working fine.
@Arthur Spooner when you want to browse to game.raceroom.com outside of the game you'll just be logging in through Steam (just like on this very forum if you chose to use Steam login). Once logged in, nothing will be different
@ JF Chardon , j'ai pas trop compris la procédure a effectuée , si tu peux m'en dire 2 mots de plus , merci a toi
Hi ! I use Steam for years. I like the news even if i thought you will bring weather effects, day/night races, directX11... *cough*
French: Il n'y a rien a faire si tu a un compte actif et que tu as deja lance le jeu. Le principal de cette info c'est qu'il y a des comptes (environ 5000) qui ont achete du contenu sans jamais lancer le jeu. Ce sont des comptes sur game.raceroom.com qui ne sont pas associes a un compte steam. Et quand on ajoutera le steam login, ces comptes seront perdus. Je ne sais pas trop comment les gens sont parvenus a acheter du contenu sans lancer le jeu, mais c'est le cas :-D On a envoye un e-mail aujourd'hui a toutes ces personnes, les invitant a lancer le jeu d'ici au 14 juin. L'autre info c'est qu'on n'autorisera plus la desassociation de comptes raceroom et de comptes steam. Jusqu'au 14 juin, les joueurs qui n'ont pas achete de DLC via steam peuvent retirer l'association de leur compte raceroom a leur compte steam, la prochaine fois qu'ils lancent le jeu, il demande de se logguer. Ca ne sera plus possible une fois qu'on aura le Steam login.
My impression is that for me, player since 15 months, practically nothing changes when launching the game, and I need not to do anything to adapt to the changes on your side, right?
Guess thats the same what Codemasters do with Dirt Rally....one Steam Login and you have aceess to all Features in and around the game....
Correct. The only information worth noting for a user like yourself is that you will no longer be able to de-associate your game account from your steam account. (which was done through account settings and only allowed for users who did not buy Steam DLC's)
What about the RRE contact list then ? Will it disappear or will the added friends names just switch to the Steam(Friends List) Identities ? I really would appreciate a unification in this matter, cause to pick out each and any driver by investigating his various identities is truly annoying ..
Does this also mean we will be able to run in offline mode? Pretty much all my games will allow me to run Steam in offline mode and be playable, is this coming?