First, thanks Sector3 for this amazing track! But, I noticed a heavy fps problem on this track. Always we you drive around the pit area I got huge drops, even with reduced shadows, reflections and so on. I'm a bit surprised about it because all other tracks running stable on 60 fps. Shanghai already got big problems when you drive alone there. Anybody with the same problems? Btw. use an AMD R9 280x with newest drivers.
FIA.... licensing agreement, small team, the list goes big deal being a year and a bit behind, imo.
Its probabldy caused by the heavy 3D objects like the paddock,the big main grandstand with the roof and the briges plus the two towers so its quite demanding on gfx.
I know it's totally unrealistic running DTM cars in china,, but running DTM 2013 cars around this track and hitting the DRS when you hit 6th gear on the long straight makes you feel like you're piloting a rocketship. The whole field got whiplash watching me drive by.
The track is really good, actually you can really feel how big those towers are, excellent job. My only problem is fps, around the towers it is like 25-30 rest of the track is around 45... on other tracks it is always over 60 even with full grid. Anyone lese have the same xperience? (im runing it on ATI 7950)
Drei, I think we're all having framerate issues. Around the towers I'm screenshot city and have turned everything way down.
So just had my first ever lap on this track.. Loving it! More turns than i thought Now back to the track.. - Just to inform on FPS.. highest bout 125 and lowest about 90.. Hope it gets good ironed a bit for those suffering drops..
No fps drops too, i know i have a good system, but everything maxed out at 1080p my framerate is between 55 and 75 fps without any drops below that.
I will say that this track is a completely different monster in a car with fenders. I didn't like this track in F1 2014 and dreaded racing it, but in R3E, much more fun. Lots of little contact and being that these cars are far more competitive with one another than F1, lots of close racing. I'm getting much better at the oh crap curve too after a few races. I haven't spun an AI out in three races!!
Not completely unrealistic. A DTM race was held on the Shanghai street circuit many years ago and the organisation has been trying to get a Chinese round on the calendar over the past couple of years.
Another magnificent effort. Looks great, feels great, performs well on my system. Shanghai may have its critics like many 'Tilkedromes' - it's not the most interesting track in the world - but I'm having fun racing here. It's good to have one of the modern breed of F1 tracks in R3E. The width of this track allows for different lines through corners and makes defending difficult. Should be fun online.
I'm hoping and praying that tomorrow is WTCCedneday (or WTCC Wednesday). I've had a blast all day running all my cars around Shanghai (Group 5, DTM 13, DTM 92, Radicals, all the free ones, Daytona Protos, GT2, GT3, GT1, etc). I think the only set that didn't make an appearance at Shanghai was the DTM14 cars and that's cause their parents won't let em go there. Let's make this happen S3S!!
Great add! Very enjoyable driving here, great circuit & great production! This night (few hours ago, i'm from Ita) i had a lot of fun testing the Tom Coronel's Roal BMW320TC (waitin' for the WTCC14 pack! release! release! ) in the full track lenght!