Just to be clear. I have an A rating. Does this mean that I finished top 10% of the competitions that I have entered?
From all the drivers that participate in competition, your average performance puts you in the best 10%.
Hi Community! Do you know how many competitions should you enter before you get ranked? Thanks in Advance.
I was wondering how that 10% or 30% gets determined. Is it based on laptimes? E.g. if #1 had a laptime of 100 seconds, then to get rank A I should have a laptime of 110 seconds at most? Or if there are 200 contestants for a challenge, then to get rank A I should finish in the top 20?
You take the total number of participants in the competition and calculate 10% of it. E.g. in a competition of 1000 players, you have to be higher than the 100th, to be eligible to an A rank. So yes, the second scenario.
Im pretty sure its your second suggestion. What im wondering tho is how they get the average. Do they go 11/100=b + 11/100=b + 1/100=a = on average b or do they go 11/100 + 11/100 + 1/100 = 23/300 = 7,6% = a or do they have another way of doing it
Anyhow, as hotlappers aren't always great racers (ehm), I'm not that depressed if I remain ranked B or even get pushed further down the ranks - since this could mean that I might race against pple who aren't great at hotlapping and racing either. Of course, chances of the opposite are also given, I know.
This is very cool. Will check ranking later but this gives me motivation to get in my virtual cars and drive!
Pfff, m8, don't worry, its not an academic title or something and regarding those who are doing hotlapping just for the sake of it I personally consider it an unnerving waste of time (cause there is nothing like a tough MP race, to show who you really are ) , except I'm prepping for an event or league-race. And in that case I mostly can place myself around the Top 25. Even some of the best guys of our league are not doing LBs and their tag left blank (while being on LB Podium ) So its all just smoke and mirrors more or less and a little insurance to not encounter total crashkids in case...thats all.
The "problem" I see with not updating often is, like on the current premium LB, an unranked alien wins the prizes for first place unranked. If the ranks are updated every 2 or 3 competitions, he can win a lot of vrp's.