News Content Roadmap 2023

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KW Studios, May 5, 2023.

  1. KW Studios

    KW Studios Official Information Developer

    Jan 29, 2015
    +1,533 / 0 / -0
    We’re very pleased to say that we are formalising our content release strategy for 2023 onwards, so you’ll know exactly what to expect from Raceroom through the year. From now on, you can expect regular pack releases every three months, around the end of each quarter, neatly interspersed with tailored drops of single cars, tracks or series livery updates. This means you can expect to see new content about every six weeks. As ever, each new release will tie in with exciting online esports competitions and events.


    Each pack will contain multiple cars – and sometimes tracks – curated around a particular theme. We’ll always try to introduce new cars that either strengthen existing classes or provide a new class that we think will bring something new and exciting to Raceroom. This year’s three remaining pack releases will be at the beginning of July, the beginning of October and then our usual pre-Christmas special release.
    The intermediary content will be smaller, very affordable releases, typically of individual cars or the latest new season livery updates for key championships.


    Following on from our On The Edge pack release at the beginning of April, in around five weeks you’ll be able to get your hands on the first of the new intermediate releases. We’re extremely happy to announce that it will be the new BMW M4 GT3, which will ship with a whole range of liveries from the international series it runs in.


    This will be followed in July by the second of this year’s quarterly packs, which will be geared around some officially-licensed Porsche content. This pack will star their new GT3 racer, the 992-model 911 GT3-R, which when added to the M4 is another boost to our already strong GT3 class. The GT3 will be accompanied by the latest generation 911 GT3 Cup (represented by official liveries from the 2023 Carrera Cup Germany Championship) and a real classic in the shape of the 944 Turbo Cup from the mid 1980s – the latter rocking some particularly old school liveries!


    The next main quarterly pack release, due in October, will see the release of a touring car themed pack based around the release of an iconic street track: Circuit De Pau Ville in the south of France. Pau is an absolute classic and a star of our old Race touring car game series: we’ve wanted to bring this into Raceroom for a long time – and we thinks it’s going to be worth the wait! We’re also still committed to touring cars, and there will be some exciting news to reveal on that front over the coming months.


    We’ll bring you more details on the remaining intermediate releases in the very near future: we've got a lot of fantastic content in the pipeline. Of course, we also keep a close eye on the community, and will always try and steer content themes around what we see people are asking for. We’ll also be delivering regular physics and general development updates over the coming months. Watch this space for more details!
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  2. fischhaltefolie

    fischhaltefolie Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2015
    +1,045 / 0 / -0
    These are very good news.
    Thank you for the info.
    If you put it in a 2023 season pass I'd buy instantly.

    Pau always reminds me of a floating ghost.
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  3. NL-Jos

    NL-Jos Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2015
    +184 / 0 / -0
    Great job to bring those new DLC packs.

    But when wil the game being updated with some stuff?

    For example (re) joining during warm-up between two or three races?

    And if you want a lot of people getting back from ACC, please come with driver swap.

    A lot likes driver swap but get boring of the big choice between only the GT3 and GT4 cars in ACC
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  4. keanos

    keanos Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2015
    +142 / 0 / -0
    Ohy man, this roadmap is almost a perfect dream roadmap for, i am really excited what the two small releases and the xmas special will bring to us.

    Really good job guys.

    • Love it! Love it! x 3
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    Last edited: May 5, 2023
  5. Lino Carreira

    Lino Carreira Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    +12 / 0 / -0
    Is there a feature roadmap to go alongside with content roadmap or is this all there is for 2023 ?
    • Agree Agree x 6
  6. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +431 / 0 / -0
    Awesome news! Hype :D
  7. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2017
    +92 / 0 / -0
    Perhaps, the XMAS surprise is an updated graphic engine that supports DirectX12 or the latest vulkan and raytracing?
    Regardless, having a feature/capabilities roadmap on top of the content roadmap, would be amazing. The only thing that prevents me from enjoying RRE is the fact that the online races are empty when playing from US East coast.
    • Like Like x 3
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  8. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 New Member

    Aug 15, 2022
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Porsche 944 Turbo Cup ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Cant‘t wait for this beauty!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. ShortyBuzzGER

    ShortyBuzzGER Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Sep 4, 2020
    +66 / 0 / -0
    Did you read the whole announcement? It says "neatly interspersed with tailored drops of single cars, TRACKS or series livery updates." So new Zandvoort is still possible this year, after it was already teased last August.
    On the other hand, to be fair, it also says: "The intermediary content will be smaller, very affordable releases, typically of individual cars or the latest new season livery updates for key championships."

    It is also the "Content Roadmap 2023" so fixes and updates here and there are very much possible.
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  10. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Apr 15, 2018
    +874 / 0 / -0
    Users: you don't tell us anything

    Raceroom: announces more information than ever before

    Users: you don't tell us anything.....
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  11. ShortyBuzzGER

    ShortyBuzzGER Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Sep 4, 2020
    +66 / 0 / -0
    What I am actually curious about is: when the new Porsche GT3 releases, will the 2019 version vanish from the store just like its predecessor? That would be a shame again.
  12. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2015
    +803 / 0 / -0
    It seems to be a visual features-enhaced track environment! Looking forward to it, tracks are always welcomed. Especially if it is tracks that are not shared with all other titles .
    The cars I probably pass on.

    • Like Like x 3
  13. n01sname

    n01sname Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2015
    +972 / 0 / -0
    Very cool guys :sunglasses:...well I surely had my share of critical remarks over the last year and it seems you had to restructure certain aspects (don't you ?) of your work during that time but in the end I always return to RRE...
    Roadmap : Highly appreciated (without a lotta meh meh meh, BUT, Blahblah, other sims have this and and that blah) just keep up the good work ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Mike Kara

    Mike Kara Member

    Jun 26, 2021
    +11 / 0 / -0
    nice content coming but hopefully one day u will hire a guy who will be able to do "real" dashboards to these cars because these re-used ones are big flaw
    • Agree Agree x 6
  15. Wilko Jones

    Wilko Jones Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2019
    +89 / 0 / -0
    Pinch me. This cannot be real! Pau finally comes to Raceroom. Holy, sweet Jimmy! And damn... It looks fantastic to boot!

    Nahh... This is some sort of late April fools prank, isn't it? It's got to be.
  16. SerVik

    SerVik New Member

    May 16, 2017
    +2 / 0 / -0
    It would be great to have a features roadmap aswell. IMO R3E got pretty rich content already, while lacking a lot of key features like readable chat and voice chat.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  17. FeltHλt

    FeltHλt Moderator Beta tester

    Nov 17, 2016
    +492 / 0 / -0
    what do you mean lack of readable chat?
  18. ShortyBuzzGER

    ShortyBuzzGER Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Sep 4, 2020
    +66 / 0 / -0
    The color yellow is quite unfitting and sometimes very hard to read during driving
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Raceroom Nederland

    Raceroom Nederland Member

    Mar 23, 2023
    +9 / 0 / -0
  20. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Apr 15, 2018
    +874 / 0 / -0
    I agree. A dark background for the chat would be useful. And the ability to move and resize it like other hud elements.
    • Agree Agree x 3