Released Graphics Update and DTM 40th anniversary content

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by RaceRoom, Sep 4, 2024.

  1. javi_crash

    javi_crash Member

    Jan 25, 2017
    +19 / 0 / -0
    Do you mean that without me having changed anything in the graphical settings, it is now at a higher configuration level?

    I'll review the settings you mentioned. Thanks for the advice.
  2. X-Vector

    X-Vector Member

    Dec 14, 2019
    +5 / 0 / -0
    Shame really, as I very much like the effect - unlike the type of auto-exposure in games like Assetto Corsa and Portal 2.
  3. majuh

    majuh Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2015
    +276 / 0 / -0
    The existing Oschersleben should still be the same. The files for the new version have been added, but it's not released in the store yet. Same thing goes for Zandvoort, by the way.

    Is it just me or is MSAAx8 working worse than before?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Nico Kunze

    Nico Kunze Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2018
    +415 / 0 / -0
    Same thing as in zandvoort files were added yesterday or as in zandvoorts files have been in game for ages but never released?
  5. 247

    247 Active Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    +44 / 0 / -0
    soooo, linux user here

    everything works as expected but there is sure some performance hit

    with normal dx9 (not sure anyway if it's already dxvk cause was already using files provvided by the community) i have a little (but noticeable frame drop)

    with dxvk selected at start, i have an almost big frame drop, especially when selecting cars with a metallic skin (eg the dtm 2013 merc from chistian vietoris)

    graphic, all in all is pretty much the same but i need to say that lighting is really that much better and the same applies to the cockpit cam and reflexes

    shame for the frame drop but it's really a nice update, and the alfa is damn amazing, thank you guys
  6. n01sname

    n01sname Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2015
    +972 / 0 / -0
    To me RRE now looks and feels the way it is meant to look and feel. It deserves to look and feel like it does now (and the Devs also deserve it, don't ya ? :) )
    I've been very critical/frustrated during the last two years, partly because of the slow development and lack of official communication about - which eventually was a good strategy cause nowadays every little triviality marked as "Top News" is getting the shit hyped out. That, in conclusion propells expectations that cannot be fulfilled.
    On the other hand the intrusions of our daily lives during these times (Covid, Wars,Division the same old name it ). killed a lot of fun for me
    But now I'm really blown away and after testing the DTM 95 on all three new classic tracks (that look absolutely beautiful :cool:) I'm totally happy my favorite Sim is back at least .

    The replacements I used (ACC, AMS2) are just that : Replacements

    Regarding further updates like a more sophisticated weather system, well, let's be honest : I bet that only 5-10% of all players are regularly racing under wet conditions (and Singleplayer mostly). And the 90% who are demanding it, demand it because they can and because the general PR HYPE on anything says it's a MUST HAVE ! YOU MUST HAVE IT OR YOU ARE A LOSER !!!

    Well, Night Racing is another cup of tea while in reality many longer endurance races are splitted into daytime sessions these days. Also in Rallying those brutal night stages we know from the Golden Era are long gone. Just sayin'. Nonetheless I would love to race some night sessions too. But as for rain tbh. I never felt comfortable with those titles that have it so far. With AMS2 it has not a very much deep impact, it's just there to give you some rain feeling . ACC has it but also doesn't feel right to me as well, just off you know ? And that's no wonder cause there are so many varying parameters to reproduce ever changing conditions, that I would suggest that if KW is starting to work on it, just make it right guys and take your time or simply just leave it.....

    As I missed the info to delete the User Data gfx options file, I first was totally shocked after dl and reboot, cause NOTHING HAD CHANGED :eek::confused: and boy what a difference when I fixed it by restting/erasing the Nvidia Settings, the old NVInspector profile
    that was still running, as well as the ingame setting : The Shaders & Shadows, soft and clean, the lightning full of atmosphere, the interiors and exteriors crisp and clean, the handling of the cars more refined for more precision a.s.o. Not to talk about the DTM 95 Carpack...
    One thing I noticed is that the DTM 95 Tail Lights are white at Sunset...(Hockenheim Cl.)

    So BIG THANKS KW, made my day ;) ;)
    • Like Like x 3
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2024
  7. buddyspike

    buddyspike New Member

    Aug 9, 2020
    +4 / 0 / -0
    There shouldn’t be any performance hit with the same graphics options . It should perform better actually
  8. Jona777

    Jona777 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    +413 / 0 / -0
    Where is the file located we need to delete?
  9. Dale Junior

    Dale Junior Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    never read anything about this new feature in the past update lists or noticed anything about this in the sim ... mhhh ... ok, apparently I took a too long race time-out of RR :oops:
  10. majuh

    majuh Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2015
    +276 / 0 / -0
    The files were added yesterday.

    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Nico Kunze

    Nico Kunze Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2018
    +415 / 0 / -0
  12. n01sname

    n01sname Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2015
    +972 / 0 / -0
    Users\xyz\Documents\My Games\SimBin\RaceRoom Racing Experience
  13. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +431 / 0 / -0
    Where did they say that you need to do that?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Nauseumster

    Nauseumster Member

    Apr 1, 2023
    +17 / 0 / -0
    got some real world riding to get through this weekend then ill try record the diffference for you guys, its marked, waqs going to do it before but it does need to be both versiosn and jsut the act of recording 5760x1080 will stabbing low FPS will cause lower FPS, if you knwo what i mean, i think its graphical because its not everywhere, some places its stable 60+ but can relaibly drop the frames in the same places on ttrack or when a cluster of cars is near me.
  15. morsify

    morsify Active Member

    Jan 20, 2019
    +37 / 0 / -0
    I'd like to know this too.
    I went over my graphics settings yesterday after the update and that file has already saved with yesterdays date, so I don't see how deleting it could make any difference.
  16. Thomas Jansen

    Thomas Jansen KW Studios Developer

    Apr 5, 2018
    +601 / 0 / -0
    Any old graphics options .xml will have been overwritten with our new defaults after the update, based on your GPU. So there should be no need to delete it.
    • Like Like x 2
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  17. Thomas Jansen

    Thomas Jansen KW Studios Developer

    Apr 5, 2018
    +601 / 0 / -0
    It's not really that MSAA is working worse, but it's the downside of the new details we've added in the lighting. This creates bigger contrast inside objects, guardrails being a prime example, which can create aliasing that MSAA doesn't fix as MSAA only really fixes edges of objects. To really get the best experience, you will want to use our new SSAA option (if you are on nvidia and dx9), or some form of downsampling (DSR, RSR), as that will clean up that last bit of aliasing. The good news is that our shaders are still very cheap on the GPU, so there should be room for most people to use these expensive forms of anti-aliasing :)
    • Informative Informative x 3
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo Active Member

    Sep 25, 2017
    +40 / 0 / -0
    So after moaning about bad performance for years after the first big FFB update, i found out that limiting the visible opponent cars to 20 and reducing shadows and car reflexions to mid ,i now get stable 60 fps @1080p with the new SSAA option.All other settings are on HIGH.
    And now i can use time multipler for the first time,and mirrors on high setting.And i limited the game to 60 fps and set it to high performance in the Nvidia driver.:)
    • Like Like x 3
  19. n01sname

    n01sname Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2015
    +972 / 0 / -0
    Andy Kettler mentioned it at our Community...
  20. Wilko Jones

    Wilko Jones Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2019
    +89 / 0 / -0
    Wow... Running a 52 car grid at Mid Ohio and no frame issues running direct x. My hats off to KW. Before the update I could barely get 30 cars on that track and keep stable frames. Good stuff!
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